Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Renovation - DEMOLITION

Every renovation project has to start somewhere, right? Well ours started with demoing the current space.

For those who have not heard us talk about his project (although the project has evolved, we have been planning this for a year now) we are putting in a master suite complete with a new bedroom and full bathroom, library/office space and additional storage. This is all going upstairs in our "spare" space which he had been using as storage. The spare space has no plumbing, no heating/cooling, super old insulation and very old, barely there electrical. So a lot of work needs to be put into making the space livable.

For demo purposes, we had to tear out the existing walls which consisted of really thin, cardboard like material that is used in trailer homes. Then rip out all the insulation, which was old and non-existent in some parts. We removed the ceilings and non-weight bearing boards.

Phew - it was a lot of work. We split up the work over a whole week. We were blessed to have help from our dads and friends Jonathan and Reese. Our goal was to have the whole space demo'ed and garbage removed by Sunday, April 13, as it was our neighborhood's bulk trash pick up that week. By having the demo done by bulk trash pick up day, we would be saving a ton of money by not renting a dumpster.

We made our goal! It feels great to have this step done! Pretty soon we will be meeting back up with our project coordinators and general contractor to start the work! As of right now, we will be completing the project in three parts:

1) Putting in the framing, electrical, heating/cooling and insulation.

2) Completing the bathroom

3) Finishing up the rest of the space with final touches and completing the library.

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