Monday, March 17, 2014

This Weekend's Fun Projects

This past weekend we did a bunch of errand running and got started on some home projects. Friday night we were total bums and continued our James Bond marathon. It is sad that I am actually sad we are over halfway through? Already thinking about our next movie marathon or show watching we can do.

Saturday morning we did a bunch of errand running and I brought Christopher along - which is dangerous because he usually can find extra things that we "need." Surprisingly enough, we did not go over budget on our purchases.

Once we got home, Christopher got started on refinishing a side table that was his grandparents. I will have to pull some of the before shots off his phone. It is going to take a while to complete the project because the legs and parts of the table are ornate and he has to go a lot of the sanding by hand. Which is also hard right now because he only has use of ONE HAND.

I caught up on a bunch of cleaning. I re-arranged some of our bedroom furniture organized our bed linens. I also planted our herbs and some flower seeds (it has to get warm someday - right?). Then on Sunday I re-organized the closet in our office. My goal is to create one of the craft closet/offices out of the closet. Christopher loves the idea because then my craft stuff isn't all over the house and when it becomes chaos in the middle of a project, all we have to do is shut the doors. But step one was to clean it all out and re-organize it for now. Come summer time, we will re-paint and Christopher is going to make my desk.

Needless to say I am pooped today at work but very happy with the results of a busy weekend!

The "After" shot - the "before" was just too embarrassing lol. One bag each of garbage and recycling plus some donations.

Idea of a craft station closet:
closet turned office

office closet-- I like this office closet well enough, but I actually enjoyed reading the blog more than the closet so I am pinning this so I can go back and read....

Office closet - I like the idea of having the ability to lock work in the closet with the monsters and dust bunnies...

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