Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Valentine's Day Shenanigans

Valentine's Day would not be complete without some yummy treats! We made some heart-shaped cinnamon bun treats to give to our parents and bring to Jonathan for our visit.

I found a recipe for "Breakfast" cookies and I thought - why not! Basically a chocolate chip cookie made with banana, applesauce, oats, almond milk, vanilla and the chocolate. They were pretty yummy, but not as good as the real thing.

We received some Valentine's from our parents. The M's sent us some chocolate covered strawberries and my parents gave us our favorite chocolate - Reese's peanut butter cups and Dove milk chocolate. Boy are we loved or what!

Our little lovies :)

On Valentine's day we left super early in the morning for Kingston to visit J! We made it out as the snow storm moved into Buffalo and we are so glad we made the decision to leave early and spend the night. A HUGE thank you to my parents for watching our little Valentine's (see pictures above). Marv and Jameson got to spend some great time with Grandma and Grandpa and of course Buddy! And to Christopher's parents for booking us the hotel room so we could stay and make it back the next day.

We had a great visit with Jonathan. We played card games, went to the mall, saw the movie "The Kingsman" and had a great dinner at Olive Garden. It was so great to see him and hang out. Hopefully he will be sending me more pictures that I can post. J took along his camera and got some excellent shots during dinner. We also celebrated J's birthday and ordered TWO desserts (I know - we are getting crazy). It was a great time.

And of course there is my favorite Valentine - Christopher. We relaxed on Sunday, enjoyed a bottle of wine and each others company. It was a great Valentine's day weekend!

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