Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Splurge Group

I am loving splurge group! It is awesome to have something to look forward to each month. has been great getting to know more women in the area. I can't remember if I talked about how splurge group works.

The concept is simple: it is a way to splurge on yourself and make a once-a year buy! Every month, each member puts $20 in the splurge pot. Everyones name is placed in the drawing and whoever is picked to win that month's splurge money then also hosts the next month's party. Therefore, winner of the pot gets $240 to spend on something she'd never buy herself. Once you win, your name is no longer in the drawing. So this is similar to a savings club, except every member recoups their total donation for the year!

Of course, there are some additional rules:
- Winner must spend the $240 before the next party AND she must buy something only for HERSELF; the splurge cannot be spend on the hubby, kids, family pet, pay a bill, etc.
- Requires a 12 month commitment; if you cannot make a party you still make the $20 donation
- if you are picked for the splurge, you have to bring (if possible) your splurge to the next months party to show off!

I originally got this idea from an article in Buffalo Magazine last summer describing such a party. I think this is an awesome way to not only socialize with friends, network and reap an award each month! Even if you do not win, it is still a stress free night out with friends!

So I am very pleased to announce that I won the August splurge pot! I already know how I am going to spend the majority of it - I am going to make an appointment at Blums Swimwear & Intimate apparel and get fitted for a swimsuit. I know I know, it is the end of summer in Buffalo...BUT Disney is around the corner and I want to look good in a new swimsuit :) If there is anything leftover, I am thinking about buying a couple cute things to wear on the trip or maybe a new pair of flats.

For the party that I have to host in September, I am thinking about throwing a "Breakfast & Bubbles" brunch on a Saturday morning. So far, the brunch idea has been well received - we shall see if it is well attended. Obviously I will do a mimosa bar (hence the "bubbles") and I am thinking a waffle bar to spice things up. Maybe do some breakfast potatoes and sausages to go along with it.

Once I get a plan together, I will share it and the details for the party.

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